If asked to the male majority, the definition of a ‘feminine woman’ is the one who is obedient, under their feet, easy to control and weak. But its not like that the particular gender is born with such traits. At the time of birth, the only difference is the genitals they have and that decides how they are going to be represented. A ‘penis’ is the indication of establishment of an empire of proud misogyny and supremacy in which you are to practice and excel at some important ‘rituals’ to be the one supreme.
One of the main practices is to put a woman in the state of being subject to oppressive treatment because obviously the feminine woman that a man desires apparently is not exactly born with the qualities that define feminine traits to them. Several measures are taken to pursue this dream by not just him but everybody else in the empire.
The most basic measure is to let the girl know as soon as she has discovered senses that she is ‘woman’ and the world has a set of rules for her to follow. First step is to form an embodiment of tolerance towards every abuse or oppressive behaviour and if she asks ‘why?’, provide her the best and the only argument she’ll always get – “because you are a girl” and that settles the whole matter pleasing the Supremes.
Well as it turns out Africa is really putting a lot of thought in as well. Female genital mutilation is a commonly practiced ‘ritual’ in most of the Africa among various tribes.  Well it is not just about Africa, it is there in Asia, Middle east, Eastern Europe and Latin America as well. Female genital mutilation is a ritual of cutting or removal of some or all of the genitalia because, well, it is not penis. 200 million girls and women alive today have been subjected to this and the rates keep on increasing because the society can do anything but what is right. To answer why it happens, it is a way to manifest gender inequality because keeping away from education and other rights were not enough. As a result of insecurity and ego, this prestigious ceremony is carried out, in order to make sure she cannot enjoy her sexual life in a healthy manner. Some specific creatures even believe it is impure, the external genitalia. Masculinity is so weak that it is scared of a clitoris. Some even believe that it lets the man have better orgasm. I mean the fact that the guy knows he is the only one who will reach climax, I think it boost his male ego and there you go, a better orgasm. It shows how self-centred the male society is till date. A girl has to go through unbearable pain just to be considered pure? At the age of 8, she has to get herself cut between her legs because then she won’t be driven to have premarital sex which she doesn’t deserve because she doesn’t have a penis hanging in between her legs. Well a man doesn’t need to worry about satisfying a woman anymore and neither has to worry about her cheating on him because of the sexual drive because the roots of the problem has been cut and surprisingly it is one of the main the reasons behind FGM.
It is such a vicious face of the world, which only the woman has to see. Just not physically hurting her but leaving her broken mentally for the rest of the life so that she can never recover and trust another being, so that she lives her whole life constantly in fear and in the thought that she’s worthless and she doesn’t have any purpose other than serving the man and being obedient to his commands because she is girl, an embodiment of tolerance.
How long till they get treated right?
How long will world take learn that penis doesn’t represent the world?
“It is what my grandmother called the three feminine sorrows: the day of circumcision, the wedding night and the birth of a baby.” – From “The Three Feminine Sorrows”, a Somali poem  
